

We love to get out and sing in the community but we’re

also passionate about helping others in different ways………………………..


This year we’re supporting The Block Community Hub which is a creative resource space in Hitchin who supports vocational training programs and positive activities for young people at risk of exclusion and exploitation in the community.


Angels Support Group was our charity of choice this year! This wonderful charity supports families of autistic children and/or children who have ADHD (and those waiting diagnosis).

We absolutely loved working with these dedicated and enthusiastic lovely ladies! They were present at so many fund raising events which really helped raise such an amazing amount!


We supported Feed Up Warm Up which is a local voluntary organisation helping the homeless and disadvantaged in Hertfordshire with drop-in centres and outreach programs.

We had a great time singing at their charity football match although we were grateful we got to sing inside rather than outside in the cold weather!


We worked alongside Daisy Chains charity which is a sensory playgroup and support community for children aged 0-5 with additional needs and their families and carers.

Daisy Chains Cafe - Sept 2019

We had a great time sharing our music with families & volunteers at the Daisy Chains Cafe. What a privilege to bring some joy to these special people. We even extended our repertoire especially for the children and sang Old MacDonald had a farm!



garden clearance - may 2019

There was sun, wind, rain and even hail stones at times but that didn’t deter us from clearing the garden of a single Mum who just didn’t have the time with 2 young children, both with additional needs. The garden needed to be made safer for the two children so we cleared shrubs, rubble and slate, nettles and even managed to put up a new swing set for them!